Dear colleagues and friends in Geomechanics,
We are all dealing with geologic structures in different scales, from fractures to faults. I would like to invite you all to participate in a research topic that proves or refutes the new theory that I developed for shear fracturing. This theory is explained in my dissertation, sections 3.3 and pages 138-151: To start with, I would like to invite researchers who are involved in brittle #fault_dynamics to examine the proposed theory. The figure below, shows the trace of conjugate Strike Slip faulting according to the existing and proposed theories. (the original figure: The existing theory suggests conjugate shear faulting under pure shear stress condition of (SV-Sh)/(SH-Sh))= 0.5 (corresponding to Afi = 1.5). The new theory suggests conjugate shear faulting under stress condition of (SV-Sh)/(SH-Sh))= 0.2-0.4 (corresponding to Afi = 1.6-1.8). Faulting occurs when the stress state exceeds the 3D (S2-dependent) shear fracturing criterion. For further details on the proposed criterion and faulting theory please see the following links: I hope this large-scale verification of the proposed theory can open up new opportunities for everyone. So, please give it a try and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Masoud Rahjoo