01 January 1970 4 5K Report

Dear friends,

I am conducting a research study about the probability of developing second primary cancers after the diagnosis of a certain index cancer. My primary outcomes are the Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) and the Absolute Excess Risks (AERs) of developing the second primary cancers.

For some of the resulting second cancers, both SIR and AER are show values that are multiples of 1. For example, a certain second cancer (A) had an SIR of 14 and an AER of 10. Some other second cancer (B) showed an SIR of 8 while having an AER of 0.9. Accordingly, I would say that both cancers showed an association with the index cancer, but I wonder how the differences in AER will affect the magnitude of association, given that the p-value for both second cancers are less than 0.05.

Please advise.


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