Dear Experts,

I am working to identify/confirm RNA that binds to my protein of interest through RNA-ChIP assay. However, i have no experience at all in ChIP assay and its not establish in my lab.  

I had obtained RNA-ChIP protocol from Terzi et al.,published in the plant journal 2009. As i understand that fixation and sonication step is crucial in successful ChIP assay, after fixation and sonication step, i used water bath Bioruptor from Comso bio to sonicate my samples 5 times in ice water with 10s on and 6s off with 1 min break during each cycle, Then, i load my sonicated samples into agarose gel to see if there is concentrated band fragment around 300-500bp. However, i could not see any concentrated fragment at all at these size even the smear from unsonicated samples looks gone in my sonicated samples as shown in attached gel pictures. 

So any one could give me suggestion if my sonication steps do not work? and how can i teckle these situtation? like using different sonicator machine like rod based machine instead of water bath or increase my sonication time? and is there any steps is important in RNA-ChIP assay? Your advise are much appreciated. Thank you!

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