In a high resolution Si 2p xps peak when peak fit is done, the Si 2p3/2 is less concentrated and Si2p1/2 is more concentrated. Although the difference of their energy is 0.6 eV. will Si 2p3/2 peak be at lower energy?
Your question is unclear. What do you mean by "more concentrated"?
A starting point to address some of the possible underlying confusion about high resolution XPS peaks, especially for Si, can be found in these references.
Article Silicon (100)/SiO2 by XPS
Peak fitting of doublets in XPS is best done with the two peaks as linked pair. Keep the parameters fixed relative to each other. The 3/2 peak is at lower BE and has a higher area than the 1/2 in this case.
Thanks@ Prof. Jeffrey J Weimer. The fact I know but i asked that in any case the opposite could be happened i.e. si2p3/2 is having less area that si2p1/2?