02 February 2017 8 527 Report

I want to compute nodal displacements from nodal stresses.

This is my approach:

I implemented an FEA using force as the boundary condition. And I obtained displacements D1. With my displacements, I computed the stress (sigma xx, sigma yy and sigma xy) acting on each of the node. Now, I want to do the reverse: I want to use the nodal stresses (used as force) acting on each of the node as the boundary condition to compute the displacements of the model (D2).

I am using sigma xx as the force in the x-direction and sigma yy as the force in the y-direction but I am yet to discover how to apply sigma xy. So I leave sigma xy out. But D1 and D2 are not agreeing. 

In summary, in Finite Element Analysis, having used the nodal displacements to compute the nodal stresses. how can the nodal stresses be used to recover the same nodal displacements?

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