If you are conducting research on novel adaptation, you may want to reach out to universities that have strong programs or departments in the fields of literature, English, creative writing, or film studies. Here are a few universities that are well-known for their expertise in these areas:
Stanford University - The Stanford English Department and the Stanford Creative Writing Program have a strong focus on literature and creative writing, which may be relevant to your research on novel adaptation.
Harvard University - Harvard has a renowned English Department and a Film Studies Program that can provide valuable resources for your research.
University of California, Berkeley - UC Berkeley's English Department and Film and Media Department offer various courses and research opportunities related to literature, adaptation, and film.
University of Oxford - As one of the world's leading institutions for English literature, the University of Oxford offers programs and resources that specialize in the study of novels and their adaptations.
University of Southern California (USC) - USC's School of Cinematic Arts is widely recognized for its film and television programs, making it a suitable choice if your research involves exploring novel adaptations in the context of visual media.
University of Cambridge - Similar to Oxford, the University of Cambridge has a distinguished English Department that focuses on the study of literature and may offer relevant resources for your research.
Remember that it's important to review the specific faculty members, research centers, and programs within these universities to find those that align most closely with your research interests. You can typically find this information on the universities' websites. It's also a good idea to reach out to individual professors or researchers who specialize in adaptation studies to inquire about potential collaboration or guidance.