I prepared graphene oxide and it showed results at short wavelength of 457 nm but other students got results at 514 nm. so i want to know about the enrgy states and quality of my sample?
You can use any excitation energies (wavelengths) for Raman. Resulted vibrational frequencies will be different in each wavelengths. Therefore, if you wan to compare two different samples directly, you should use same excitation energy.
Usually people get Raman spectra of GO nearly about 514 nm but in my case I got the spectra at 457 nm not at 514 nm so does it have anything to do with the quality of sample prepared?
It depends on many things - the power of the laser, the alignment of the spectrometer, the absorption spectrum of the sample itself. To do anything even semiquantitative, you should measure a reference sample in the same session - for example silicon. Then you can assess wheterh it is the sample.