I wok on suitability analysis, and this work requires to make all layers have the same extent. there is no option in ArcGIS 10.1 to do this job.who can help?
I think you need to resample to solve the extent problem.
First choose a reference layer according to which all the layer will be resampled. There are two method of resamplling one is bilinear and Nearest neighborhood.
Ahmed Ghodieh in Geoprocessing menu chose Environment Settings. In the tab Processing Extent in "Extent" and "Snap Raster" set a layer that have the correct extent. All layers from that moment will have this extent and snapped with it. So I suggest you to the same procedure in Raster Analysis Mask. If you have further questions ...I'm here!
As Sergio Noce said that's the right answer : using extend and snap raster. you must take the bigger extend or the smaller depending the area of your study.
Sergio and Herve have already answered the question. I'll just add that environment settings can either be defined at the 'tool' level (i.e using the dialogue box when a run a specific tool) or at the map level, using the main toolbar. The latter is more convenient if you will be using the same extent setting for multiple analysis.
I would recommend simply to import the extent u want to all layers, u can do this by just select the layer and go for its properties and import coordinate system from other layer ..