06 July 2018 5 1K Report

Enzyme Reaction

Mannose-1-phopsphate + GTP (substrates)

Mannose-1-phosphate Guanylyltransferase (enzyme)

GDP-mannose + PPi (Products)

To prove this enzyme assay by using HPLC, I used GTP as standard. The conditions at which i got GTP peak was,

Mobile Phase----------------> Kh2PO4

Stationary Phase ----------> C18 column

UV detector wavelength------> 259nm.

But problem is that i could not detect GDP-mannose (product) peak by using above mentioned condition. To publish enzyme activity results, there should be two peaks. One is the decrease peak of substrate (GTP) and second is appearance of product (GDP-mannose) peak.

So can someone could suggest me such conditions by which i would be able to detect both GTP (substrate) and GDP-mannose (Product) at same time??

Thank you

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