Hello ,

I am doing an RT-qPCR experiment to assess relative expression of my gene in chickpea plant to disease. I have read that we have to validate primers and reference genes specifically to my experiment and also we should use optimum dilution to my experiment. These are my questions.

1. I have cDNA from 3 control and 3 treated samples at 6 time points . i.e 36 samples. Should I run the dilutions on all 36 samples or randomly select some. I have used 1 micro gram of RNA to convert to cDNA for every sample.

2. Same question for primer pair and reference gene validation. I have two primer pairs and 5 reference genes, which I have to validate for my experiment. Should I use all my samples or can I used some smaple cDNA to validate the, >

3. What is the best plating method/ plating map for the 96 well plate ?

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