I want to perform de Griess assay without cells, therefore I have used Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) which in PBS forms espontanously NO. 

I have added 50 uL in a 96-well plate of SNP 10mM and added 50 uL if my sample (final conc. SNP=5 mM). I have let this incubate for 180 min at RT. 

Then I have added the Griess reagent, in two steps, first the sulphanilamide (50 uL, 1%) in 2.5% phosphoric acid, incubate 5 min, and then I have added the NDP (I have used sigma aldrichs option: Griess reagent modified), also dissolved in 2.5 phosphoric acid, concentration 0.1%. 

My problem is that I see colour, but very faint, and when I measure absorbances they are really low, around 0.08 the highest.

What am I doing wrong? I think I have to make concentrations up, but the griess reagent is always this exact concentration I used. I can also make SNP concentration up, but then I should see more colour on the wells without SNP, and containing the standard of NaNO2, and they are also faint. 

Any suggestions? 


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