If you just want to remove the NMP, you can transfer to a different, low boiling-point solvent and then dry. To do that just add a low boiling-point solvent that is miscible with NMP (like IPA). You can either let the graphene crash out of solution or centrifuge to make that happen faster. Then decant off the solution. Repeat this several times to transfer the solvent to ~100% IPA. Then dry.
Thank you very much. that is a very effective solution I believe. but when I will decant the solution several times, won't I loose some of my nanomaterials too? If so, this will affect the concentration. What do you advice? Please do share your thought
You can calculate the unknown concentration of graphene by using UV visible spectroscopy. To plot a calibration curve , you need to prepare different solutions of high dispersed graphene with known concentrations (in unit of mg/L) and measuring the absorbance of these solutions at 660 nm.By plotting the curve ,a straight line gives an absorption coefficient at 660 nm of α ~ 3600 L g-1 m-1 and by run the absorption of unknown concentration sample at 660 nm ,you can calculate it's concentration in unit of mg/L.