I am comparing 2 RT-PCR kits by using the same samples, looking at 2 targets. The top gel is one target, size 101bp. Lanes 1-4 are with one kit, where 1-3 are positive samples and 4 is NTC. Lanes 5-8 are the same samples, but tested with kit #2, in the same order, where 5-7 are positive samples and 8 is NTC. The bottom gel is testing a second target, size 204bp.
I can see that with kit #2 (lanes 5-8) I don't have the top band that I see with kit #1 (lanes 1-4). There also seems to be a smear on the top gel using kit#1.
Any ideas why this is so? Should I try to change cycling parameters? If so, should I focus on changing the denaturing step or annealing/extension?
(pic attached)