Dear all,

recently I have approached Zeta Potential measurements in order to calculate the Zero Point Charge for a dispersion of biochar derived particles. I have prepared several solution at different pH, and measured them after equilibration time (generally 4-5 days). I am not an expert, but what I know from tests in mass titration is that I expect a ZPC around pH 3. Unfortunately, by Zeta potential I cannot find anything, since the value is always negative.

There are some possible mistakes that I have made in order to adapt the experiment to my situation. Here the details.

I have used a background solution NaCl 0.2 M, with 1 % w/w sample. My dispersion is not perfectly colloidal. I have taken particles < 0.4 mm diameter, and left the bigger to precipitate previous experiment, obtaining a quite stable particle dispersion. I have done 3 measurements with 60 s equilibration time, in order to don' have too much perturbation due to more precipitation.

There are any mistake in the preparation? And, in case, how to interpret this result?

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