Dear Colleagues:

These papers are very old. If you have a copy, please share with me.

Kind regards.




Kapitza, A. A. New species of lower Cretaceous inoceramid from lower Priamur. 65-77. In: Poyarkova, Z.N. (ed.). Biostratigraphy of the south of the Far East (Phanerozoic). DVNTS AN SSSR, Vladivostok. 139 pp.

M. M. Astafieva. 1989. On the representatives of the genus Maitaia (Bivalvia). Paleontological Journal 23(3):11-19

Keller, S. (1982). Die Oberkreide der Sack-Mulde bei Alfeld (Cenoman-Unter-Coniac). Lithologic, Biostratigraphie und Inceramen. Geol. Jahrb., 64, 3-171.

Heinz, R. (1932). Aus der neue Systematik der Inoceramen. Mitteilungen aus dem Mineralogisch-Geologischen Staatsinstituts in Hamburg, 13, 1-26.

Marwick, J. (1953). Divisions and faunas of the Hokonui System (Triassic and Jurassic). Geological Survey of New Zealand, Palaeontological Bulletin, 21, 1-141.

Chen, J. (1987). Early Jurassic marine bivalves from Guangdong-Nanling district, southern China. Bulletin of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica, 12, 23-94.

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