are you using H2 as carrier gas? do you checked the out let flow in the column? do you changed the septa / O ring-liner? column connected well?. if all the above is OK please restart the instrument and retry?
If H2 is carrier gas my first try would be: is the pressure at the cylinder backpressure high enough compared to the required pressure at the EPC? It could be a security shut-down of the GC, if the inlet pressure is too low for the desired flow rate. This would mean: Increase pressure at the backpressure valve or check for leaks.
You can also try: set pressure at the pressure regulator valve to the appropriate value, open all valves, set flow rate at the EPC to the correct value. Then close the main pressure valve (200bar) at the gas cylinder and check whether the pressure is constant (EPC mass flow controller or pressure regulator at the H2 cylinder defect) or if the pressure decreases (you have flow, hence an electronic defect). Do you get the reading of the "zero flow rate" from the galaxie software or directly at the GC?
Hello Senthanizh and Stefan, thank u all for the suggestion. The flow reading is at the GC screen monitor, and it is 0.1 which is below the set point of 30ml/min. we have also change the H2 cylinder, and the injector septum, as well cross check for the leaks which there is known. The H2 is for combustion to ignite the flame of FID Detector, Helium is the carrier gas
the detector and the gas flow will shout down (becomes zero) If the ignition cable is not working or Hyrodgen and oxygen / air flow is not enough;
ensure the Hydrogen: Air ratio is 30:300 mL/min; and min 4 bar pressure at the pressure gauge of line flow; ignite the FID even by manually using stove ignitor. you need to ignite as soon as the instrument is "ÖN" if not the flow will go to zero. please put "ON"the fuel gas in the keypad / else and ignite the FID Flame if you need to reignite the flame. the fuel gas will go to shut down (zero) after 2-3 try.
This idea is based on other model / make of GC-FID; it may not match exactly for this model/make