24 September 2020 9 3K Report

The procedure I have tried is as follows:

Firstly, I mixed PEDOT:PSS solution (Sigma Aldrich 0.5-1.0 % in water) in De-ionized water and did ultrasonication for 30 min.

Then magnetic stirring for 3 hours and again ultra-sonication for 30 min to homogenize the solution.

Then filtration using 0.45 um filter. The solution was filtered easily.

Then added ethylene glycol and again magnetic stirring overnight.

Finally did coating using spin coating at 2000 rpm for 30 secs.

The water, PEDOT:PSS, EG ratio was 52:41:7 % by weight of the solution.(taken from articles)

The main issue is that the film is very thin. How shall I form a 200 nm thick film. If I don't add water before filtration the PEDOT is not filtered.

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