usually carbon dioxide used in air lift bioreactor with algae cultivation, but i am looking for the ability of utilization with microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeast ) to stimulate their metabolites.
I don't know if this is possible. Photosynthesizing algae consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But most yeasts, bacteria and fungi used in industrial processes are aerobic - they require oxygen and release carbon dioxide. If a small amount of carbon dioxide is wanted, it could always be added to an airlift reactor together with the air.
Asking? Are you seeking discussion re means of establishing effective carbon (from CO2) fixation in nonphotosynthetic industrial microorganisms or if anyone is aware of such a phenomenon now existing?
There are many industrial processes which are based on the utilization of carbon dioxide and yield something (product) based on the process requirements. Such industrial processes are mainly using acetogenic organisms for the conversion of carbon dioxide.
Carbon was fixed first by acetogens/acetogenic organisms and not by plants on early Earth. Thus, they can be surely used for this purpose. This field is being studied and industrial processes have started to exploit this opportunity.
For example:
Liew FM, Martin ME, Tappel RC et al. Gas Fermentation-A flexible platform for commercial scale production of low-carbon-fuels and chemicals from waste and renewable feedstocks. Front Microbiol 2016;7:eCollection 2016
Müller V. New Horizons in Acetogenic Conversion of One-Carbon Substrates and Biological Hydrogen Storage. Trends Biotechnol 2019;37:1344–54
You can look into some syngss fermentation papers, where a carboxidotrophic microorganism is sometimes used along with other acetogens to consume CO2 and convert it to acids Or alcohols. I don't know specifically what kind of metabolites you are looking for but you can look into the metabolic activities of these organisms like Clostridium ljungdahlii, Clostridium carboxidivorans etc. But these are strictly anaerobic organism, you cannot culture them along with algae, as the oxygen produced by the algae will harm them. They are non-photoaynthetic organisms.
When someone like Dr. Yusuf Chisti has said something, nothing can be left for me. As most of the microbes are aerobic, utilization of carbon di-oxide for them has least chance. If I get any reference, I shall share it with you.
Hi. I have a review article about Clostridium. In this review article, we talk a little about synthesis gas fermentation. We also have other articles about the use of syngas fermentation specifically. maybe it’s interesting for you