When you get an invitation to publish paper, how you can decide the value of the invitating journal? How you can decide whether it is a peer-reviewed journal or a predatory journal who wants only payment ?
Very simple. Check the journal site. If the journal is indexed by Thomson Reuters, Pubmed etc. these will be displayed there. But if only so called 'IMPACT FACTOR' with any other name before or after it are shown, that may be a predatory journal.
For confirmation, you can check the name of the journal in Thomson Reuters site or Pubmed site etc.
Based on your explanation, it is clear that you are talking about open access journals. Most of the reputed open access journals are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals https://doaj.org/ along with some performance indicators for each of them. I trust the DOAJ. You may also inspect the quality of published articles in that journal.