The role of Pauling and other EN scales in the development of chemistry is undoubted. However, if the EN is the electron attracting ability of atoms (for example H atom), can this H atom attract its electron (or the bonding pair) with the same force toward Na or Cl in NaH or HCl? Will this be the same EN for Na and Cl in NaCl as it was in the NaH and HCl? Would this be the same force in gaseous NaCl and solid NaCl, when the partial charges of atoms (ions) are not the same, the distance between the point like charges are not the same, or if the neighboring point charges number are not the same in modifications with different coordination number?
We feel that a simple approximation method should be entered to calculate new EN values for elements in their different compounds, which could take into consideration these things (and other chemical viewpoints), and which is simpler than quantum chemistry and could be used easily to explain the nature of compounds. I am waiting for opinions about this idea.