06 June 2016 5 8K Report

See, I've been thinking about this and on my tight budget without funding I can't afford advanced commercial software, though I do have access to an efficient Linux computer and a university computational cluster to submit computationally heavy jobs. I've been considering that I could use Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD), NAMD, Gromacs, and SigmaPlot in particular. I may think of other packages, though unfortunately I can't use Amber16. Sadly, I've seen a lot of great research employing Amber, though I intend to use it sometime in the future. 

I recently read what I consider to be a great paper at least in leading me in the right direction for calculating free-energy of binding in protein complexes for a point mutation. I was thinking that I could follow the protocol as I get started on scripting my own molecular dynamics (MD) calculations.

Anyway, this is the paper I was talking about:


I think it might be helpful to attempt to employ the MD method because the calculations appear to statistically approximate the results from the Isothermal Titration Calorimetery (ITC) experiments and NMR analysis in the same paper, showing great harmony between the simulation and lab experiments. 

Say, what would you do if you had just the sequence of two proteins and you wanted to approximate the physics of the binding event in the absence of X-Ray Crystallography studies giving researchers Protein Data Bank (PDB) files? If you didn't know the structure of your protein, could you guess it by solvating a linear sequence of your protein in a cubic box of water and letting it fold into its lowest energy state by the hydrophobic collapse effect, for instance? (Maybe it would be be better to use a sphere of water as the solvent?)

Finally, thank you so much for helping me. If you have any alternative methods I would love to know them. Before I get too involved in trouble-shooting my experiment, I would like to know if I am on the right track. 


I was thinking about studying the effect of a point-mutation in a histone binding event. Sorry if I'm vague in explaining my goal. I'm a new scientist. 

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