How may i measure an adsorption isotherm of VOCs on adsorbents.

The principle is clear for gases like N2. This may be done by a device from quantachrome or micromeritics. But this may not be applicable for analytes (e.g. VOCs) that have a vapor pressure of way below 1 atm at room temperature.

I was thinking of placing the adsorbent in a headspace vial together with a certain atmosphere of analyte (e.g. 30 ppm of benzene in nitrogen). After some time one could determine the gasphase concentration of benzene via headspace-GCMS?

Of course this measurement describes only one point of the isotherm. This is a time-consuming one ;)

Any better ideas out there?

Maybe from packed-bed chromatography? I was recording breakthrough curves recently...


i found this one. similar to aboves ideas...

Article Determination of gas phase adsorption isotherms-a simple con...

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