Will people learn new technical skills? Will people learn how to collaborate better virtually? Will there be a surge of review papers? What are you doing?
We have a lot of uncertainty associated with this pandemic. We still do not a lot about the nature of the virus, preventive measures and treatment. Nothing is based on evidence so far. Therefore, we do not know whether it will be resolved in 6 months or one year and whether it will become seasonal or we can make an effective action—no solid answer.
With a worldwide viral outbreak like the Covid-19, educators have adopted online distance learning and various forms of virtual learning environment. Yes, I believe learning will take a whole new turn but there are also issues that are needed to be addressed.
I wrote something on virtual reality in transforming learning https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340364477_VIRTUAL_REALITY_A_TOOL_FOR_TRANSFORMING_TRADITIONAL_CLASSROOM_TEACHING_AND_LEARNING_THE_PROSPECTS_AND_ISSUES
Hi! I think there will be a big change in communication pattern everywhere such as in education, business using online tools due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19. How people would like to carry on these mode of communications only become clear gradually over time during and post Covid situation. Thanks.