The Dunnett method is useful for testing control group designs. It can discover relatively small but significant differences among groups or combinations of groups.The Dunnett method is useful when the researcher wishes to test two or more experimental groups against a single control group. It tests each experimental group’s mean against the control group mean.
You would have to specify the control group or the main group against which you are comparing other groups.
This is an article that could help
Mary L. McHugh. Multiple comparison analysis testing in ANOVA. Biochemia Medica 2011;21(3):203-9.
Added the above, you would need to check the normality distribution of your Data, if normally distributed then you would perform One way Anova followed by Dunnets test or otherwise (Tukey HSD, Bonferroni test) for post-hoc analysis. If not a nonparametric test ( Kruskal-Wallis followed by Mann-Whitney U for multple comparison) would be appropraite