I am trying to do a static condensation (EXTSEOUT) in MSC NASTRAN for a simple box structure as shown in the attached “RBE3_dependent_dof_conflict_with_ASET.docx”. I have applied a multi point constraint using RBE3 to the outer four nodes (independent nodes) to the inner node (dependent node). This will assign the RBE3 dependent dof (i.e 123456) to the M-Set. I need the model to be reduced with respect to the RBE3 dependent nodes(i.e ASET will contain both RBE3 dependent nodes). When I run the model in MSC NASTRAN there is a conflict between the ASET containing the RBE3 dependent node. According to my understanding, MSC NASTRAN would not accept the same node to be in ASET and MSET simultaneously. Due to this, I am unable to reduce the box structure using MSC NASTRAN.

I have seen in MSC NASTRAN superelements user guide(Ref https://simcompanion.mscsoftware.com/infocenter/index?page=content&id=DOC10184&actp=RSS ) that this conflict can be resolve using the UM option in RBE3. But I could not understand how to define the UM node and dof to be reassigned. Can anyone help me with the correct usage of UM option with respect to my model attached (Bar_box_static_condensation.bdf attached).

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank You,

Paul Thomas

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