Hello everyone,

in our study, we look at the effects of typical/enhanced body checking on eating pathology before and after the intervention,depending on the level of body concern (see below). Since the assumptions for a 3-way mixed ANOVA are not met, we'd like to conduct the robust alternative using the WRS package on R. There is a function called bwwtrim (function (J, K, L, data, tr=0.2, grp = c(1:p), alpha = 0.05, p=J * K *L) that seems to be what we need. However, I don't find any instruction on how to use it. In what format do the data need to be? How do I need to fill in the formula?

Here are the variables and factors we use:

Independent variables:

1. factor (between-subjects) = Body concern (high/low)

2. factor (within-subjects) = Condition (typical frequency / 3x increased frequency of Body Checking)

3. factor (within-subjects) = Time (pre / post intervention)

Dependent variable:

eg. Score on the "Drive for Thinness" questionnaire (Eating pathology)

For our 2-way mixed ANOVA (bwtrim function of the WRS2 package), I found a very helpful summary by the authors themselves (Robust Statistical Methods Using WRS2, Mair & Wilcox, https://rdrr.io/cran/WRS2/#vignettes). Is there something similar for the bwwtrim function?

Thank you a lot for your help!

All the best,

Hannah Bauer

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