I solved my own question, the NCAR CESM data is ready for WRF Model, in order to prepare the data for WRF (WPS): 1. Run geogrib 2. Run metgrib without "ungrib"
Yea, no ungrib and saves a bit of time. Have you or anyone else by chance attempted to use this same data in REGCM4.5? I've some difficulties in using this dataset.
Anyone has any idea how to read NCAR CESM bias corrected data. We can use it in WRF using geogrid and metgrib easilly but if we want to see the initial conditions which is in CESM bias coorected data then how to open that file. It is in binary format.
Juan Figueroa: thanks for replying. I am using that ds316.1 data. This data set was generated using IPCC RCP scenarios. I get that. However, WRF's radiation schemes do not update GHG concentration over time. As I understand, GHG concentration is constant within the WRF domain. Am I wrong, here
I am using HadGEM2-ES CMIP5 data in wrf model, So how can I directly use metgrid.exe without running ungrib. As the data is in .nc format. Please help me to find out the way
I am doing the same same process which u mentioned at the first, but i am getting error. Is there any need to make changes in Variable Table (Vtable) for this? how to know variable in NCAR CESM data?