I want to apply a time-depended geographical dataset (format: "Lon,Lat,Time,Data") as boundary condition in a Comsol model. How can a achieve this for an instationary simulation?

I know that tabular data in ASCII can be read/imported without problems. For us, so far such tabular dtasets represented the geographical information of a quatity (e.g. temperature) , but just for a single time step (e.g. initial) or the dataset was stationary at all. This is what works well in Comsol.

A time-dependency could be achieved either by reading in multiple of such static datsets (as described above), holding data for specific times. Or one reads a big file where all the 4D information is given block by block (similar to the the CSV ASCII export functionality of Comsol).

Who knows how to do that or can recommend a hint?

(this question is also relevant for other FEM/CFD frameworks like ANSYS Fluent/CFX)

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