In many situations, when we specify the hypothesized path model, it results in a saturated model (with a df zero). How one can test such models using the SEM approach? Here I will cite a three variable example - one predictor exogenous variable (X), one mediator variable (Z) and one outcome variable (Y).

The hypothesized model is that X predicts Z (the path is X ---->Z) and in turn Z predicts Y (Z---->Y) and X has also a direct effect on Y (X------>Y). Since both Z and Y are endogenous variables the error term would also be added before testing the model

In this simple mediation model the df will be zero and thus this saturated model will produce a GFI of 1, AGFI of 1 but this is because of the saturated nature of the model and not an indicator of the real perfect fit.

Using different sets of regression equations one can estimate the direct as well as the indirect effect in this model and can also use Sobel test or Bootstrap Confidence intervals as a test of significance.

Similar situations of zero df may come in specifying more complicated models also.

My question is that if a researcher is interested in testing the hypothesized relationship that results in zero df how tit can be testedl using the SEM approach and software. I use AMOS, thus any answer in the context of AMOS will be more helpful.

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