The original BES (as reported in this publication) is considered unidimensional scale. However, we (me and one of my student Akanksha Dubey) developed a Hindi version of this scale and tried to find its correlation with various dimensions of the SCL-90-R. Unlike the findings of Rimes, we failed to find its correlation with anxiety, depression and other domains of the SCL-90-R. This led us to consider this scale as multidimensional and consequently we factor analysed (principal component analysis) the Hindi version of the BES . The scree test, parallel analysis, and the Velicer's MAP suggested to retain two factors. We have not yet labeled these two factors but tentatively we are considering two factors to reflect Acceptability beliefs and non-acceptability beliefs. Other alternative name we are considering is positive beliefs about emotions and negative beliefs about emotions.

When we re-examined the relationship of the said two dimensions of the BES with various domains of SCL-90-R, interestingly we found significant and positive correlation the non-acceptability beliefs with various domains of the SCL-90-R including anxiety and depression. The acceptability beliefs showed a significant but negative correlation with various dimensions of theSC-90-R.

This pattern of finding suggest us to consider the BES as multifactorial scale.

I invite the view of the authors and other esteemed members on this issue.

Article The Beliefs about Emotions Scale: Validity, reliability and ...

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