6 Questions 83 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rakesh Pandey
From various published research, I came to know that in cross-temporal meta analysis various studies conducted (during a specified time period) on a given population using a given measure are...
06 June 2015 4,415 4 View
I'm looking for a method of comparing or testing the significance of difference between a zero order correlation and first order correlation or between first order and second order correlations....
05 May 2013 6,888 10 View
In many situations, when we specify the hypothesized path model, it results in a saturated model (with a df zero). How one can test such models using the SEM approach? Here I will cite a three...
02 February 2013 3,551 19 View
I read two of your papers describing the generalization of the Ferguson's formula for tests with multiple response options. The rationale and methodology of computing delta is amply clear. I find...
01 January 2013 9,247 6 View
The original BES (as reported in this publication) is considered unidimensional scale. However, we (me and one of my student Akanksha Dubey) developed a Hindi version of this scale and tried to...
12 December 2012 3,316 7 View
The determinant of a correlation matrix becomes zero or near zero when some of the variables are perfectly correlated or highly correlated with each other. However, while computing the reliability...
10 October 2012 3,152 6 View