I have been trying to prepare a WGS library using M. tuberculosis genome with Nextera XT kit. I have tried it a number of times, however, the Bioanalyzer traces of prepared library, reproducibly show a flat peak with Qubit Readings around 0.04-0.07ng/ul concentration.

We have tried increasing the number of PCR cycles during indexing PCR, it increases the concentration. However it is not recommended by illumina because of risk of amplification of PCR artefacts.

In troubleshooting attempt, we have tried re-amplifying the Nextera XT product which showed that there is presence of a smear around 300-650 bp.

We have tried cleaning up our DNA samples using Ampure XP, but with no success.

We also have tried preparing our libraries using another kit which has previously worked, obtained same results.

We have also tried another DNA sample which worked with the old kit, did not work this time.

I am completely baffled.

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