
I'm using the lme4 package in R to run fairly simple linear mixed effects models. I'm unsure about how to report confidence intervals (CIs) for fixed effects estimates. I know that CIs can be extracted with confint.merMod(model) and that there are 3 methods available for this: profile, Wald, and boot. I have read in Bates et al (2015) (Article Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4

) that the three methods produce similar results, but I get an error message with the profile method for some models, but not others. I am yet to find a published article that explicitly states which method was used to compute CIs, so I'm assuming most people go with the default 'profile' method, but ideally I would like to know what each method implies. I can't find anything online, so it would be great to hear from anyone who has run such models and reported CIs (which method did you use and why? did you specify the method?). Reference to relevant resources would also be welcome.

Thanks, any help appreciated!


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