How to rate journal publications ? Based on the number of citations they gained or according to the impact factor of the journals in which the papers get published ?
Rating journal publication depends upon publication rank in top % of journals of the same category, publishing greater numbers of articles and publications in higher-rated journals.
Thomas Reuter's Web of Science is probably the most objective and independent source for journal rankings. Journals that are not included in this annually updated database are published on a less regular cycle, have limited international influence based on the editors, and are somewhat redundant in relation to other journals in the specific field. The Web of Science provides a number of ways to compare a journal's ranking within specific disciplines.
After the Web of Science, about the only important distinction between all of the others is whether or not the journal is the official publication of a professional organization. There is some stature, however limited, that accompanies this association.
There are many international societies that interested in journals ranking like Thomson Reuters (ISI), for more information please visit the following site:
Thank you Prof MSajid Ansari, Dr. Peter A Kindle and Dr. Emad for your valuable answers.
I would like to know the criteria for including a journal in SCOPUS list. Does the process is same as WOS?or in an annual subscription basis? Some journals that are included in SCOPUS list in 2016 are now removed/not found in the 2017 list.
Recently, one of my friend asked me to check Elsevier journal " Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal". It is marked as SCOPUS indexed in the journal home page ,
but not found in SCOPUS list.(not even in previous lists)
The impact factor of a journal depends on the number of citations of the articles included in it, so generally, papers that get low number of citations are enjoying the high level of the journal that gets its ranking from highly cited papers. One has to remember the different citation dynamics of various disciplines, and the fluctuation of the impact factor from year to year, So, it seems that the citations an article receives are a better measure of its visibility, but I am not sure about citations as a measure of quality.
Engineering Science and Technology:an International Journal is an Open Access(OA) journal hosted by Elsevier. It is still indexed in Scopus . I just did a search on Scopus by the journal title and all the articles published in 2017 came up as my search results.
Some people judge the quality of an article by the title of journal that published the article. Journal rankings are available from more than 1 source. Journal Citation Report or JCR is one source which is available from Thomson Reuters, the publisher of Web of Science. JCR requires subscription. Elsevier is also providing its own journal rankings thru SCImago and SJR . It 's free on the web. OA journals may not always have rankings as many of them are new.
Judging quality of an article by the number of citations it received can be erroneous. Articles can receive a lot of citations because of the negative criticisms. You need to read all the citing articles to understand the contexts of citing an article positively or negatively.
Thank you Dr. Aditi Bandyopadhyay for such a detailed replay.
I am using the pdf/EXCEL file supplied by Elsevier for checking about Scopus indexing. That is why I mentioned about Engineering Science and Technology:an International Journal . I think you are following a different method. If yes can you please mention the link for such an approach ? It will be helpful to me for future journal searches.