I have a small issue regarding the Axygen MaxyGene thermal cycler we have in the lab. In an article they used a program with 2 different packs of cycles (Initial 94ºC, 3min;[94ºC, 30sec; 60ºC-51ºC with reduction of 1ºC per cycle, 1 min.] x 8 cycles; [94ºC, 30 sec; 50ºC, 1min;72ºC, 3min] x 30 cycles; final temp 72ºC, 3 min. ) So when I add the 30 cycles to the program, the thermal cycler doesnt let me add the final temperature nor the hold temperature (or do I not know how to add them). So, it is a little bit stressful because in the manual it doesnt provide information on how to do that (in fact, we have very simple manual without a lot of things we have already learned that are very necessary).
Could someone help me out?
Thankyou! :D