I want to calaculate the specific capacitance of PANI by Galvanostatic charging discharging method at current density, say, 0.5A/g-1. In three electrode setup, working electrode is PANI film, counter electrode is platinum sheet and Ag/AgCl is reference electrode.
The mass of the synthesized film is 16 mg. For Galvanostatic Charging-Discharging at constant density of 0.5 A/g-1, the value of the current (x) should be
x(A)/16×10-3 = 0.5Ag-1 or x= 0.5×16×10-3 or x = 0.008A
I open “cyclic charge discharge” in PWR800 Electrochemical Energy Software package. Software open the following windows. I am doing this first time, so please suggest me how fill the following values:
Cyclic Charge Discharge- Page 1 of 2
· Cell type = half cell
· Working connection = positive
· Capacity = ??
· First step = charge
· IR Measure = off
· Loop End 1 = Discharge Time