16 January 2017 11 10K Report


I have recently been trying to run RT-qPCR experiments for interstitial cells. I used Qiagen RNA extraction kit where I got ~500ng/ul of RNA with 260/280~2 and 260/230~1.9, which shows me that I have good quality RNA. 

Then I used reverse transcription kit from Promega to do the cDNA synthesis, where I am using 1ug of total RNA for 20ul of RT reaction (additionally one of the variables was 2.5mM of MgCl2 concentration, which I decided to use in the process... don't know if that is the problem)

Then I am using promega qPCR kit where I am using the 1X of master mix with the addition of 10uM primer concentration and 1% reference dye. Now when I am running my qPCR, I have no amplifications. At this point, I don't know what's exactly the problem. I want to test the cDNA synthesis quality as well as primer specificity. Are there any protocols/tips to help me figure out why am I not getting any amplifications? What could possibly go wrong?

Any help guidelines/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 

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