I am working on a time series analysis using yearly data on swine population in Sri Lanka from 1937 to 2017. The objective is to find out the best forecasting model out of the four exponential smoothing models (simple, Holt's Linear, Brown's Linear and Damped Trend). Data from 1937 to 2017 was used as the 'test set' to estimate model parameters. Data for last 6 years (2012-2017)were used as the validation set to determine the best forecasting model based on the MAPE. After selecting the best model out of the four exponential models, I added validation data set into the model training data and made out-of-sample forecast for the next three years (2018-2020). However, one of the reviewer has commented that this methodology is wrong. Moreover, five points for validation is not enough. Therefore, how can I improve this methodology and how many points are required as the validation set?