We are assessing the genotoxicity of my nanoparticles using chromosomal aberration assay in Swiss albino mice. We have tried optimizing the procedure using i.p. administration of colchicine at dose of 4mg/kg and 3mg/kg 4 hour prior sacrificing the mouse.

1. The bone marrow cells are isolated by centrifugation (10,000rpm – 5mins) in FBS.

2. The isolated cells are treated using a 0.075M KCl solution for 30min at 37oC and fixed using acetic acid:methnol (1:3) 10 min at RT. The cells were then centrifuged at 2000rpm for 5mins and again resuspended in fixing solution

3. The smears were prepared by keeping the slide at 45o and the cell suspension was dropped from a height of 2-3cm followed by air dry and stained using Giemsa stain (5%w/v) for 30min.

4. The chromosome spread we obtain in not satisfactory for counting, as they are not distinct.

Any leads will be highly appreciated

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