My problem is a hollow cylinder modeled as a 2d (r,z) axi-sym problem.

Inner BC has variable temperature which I have modeled using UDF and is as follows: T = 312.+10.*sin(2.*PI*t/86400)*(0.5-x[0]);

Outer BC is convection with Tinf=300 and h=5

dimensions: Di = 0.1 cm, Do = 0.3 cm, L = 1 m

Solver is pressure based, axi-sym, unsteady, 1st order implicit

Model is energy and solidification are on

gravity = -9.81 in (-ve) x-direction

fluid is heneicosane well defined and used before with solidification with no problem.

solution control all default but used presto, 2nd order for descritization

I used 1 sec and 0.01 sec as time steps.

when writing temperatures of inner and outer surface monitor it gives very low and high temp's like 222 K bot and 565 K top

Also animation for solidification is not showing any thing

animation for temperature is showing that the melting temp is reached and passed. (initial temperature is 300)

Any help? how to have animation of liquid fraction and right temp distribution in the systsem?

Version used: FLUENT

Version: 2d, dp, pbns, lam, unsteady (2d, double precision, pressure-based, laminar, unsteady)

Release: 6.3.26

Cortex Version: 3.7.3

Model Settings


Space 2D

Time Unsteady, 2nd-Order Implicit

Viscous Laminar

Heat Transfer Enabled

Solidification and Melting Enabled

Equation Solved


Flow yes

Energy yes


Pressure PRESTO!

Momentum Second Order Upwind

Energy Second Order Upwind

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