08 August 2016 5 648 Report

I would like to flexibly model the development of some continuous outcome of interest as a nonlinear function of age, using longitudinal data with rather strong imbalance (i.e., most individuals cover only a small fraction of the age range of interest with their measurements, although the whole set of measurements is covering the entire range), including an estimate of uncertainty (e.g. confidence bands around the estimated function). Which method would you recommend for this purpose?

I used LOESS to get an idea of the overall trend but I don't know whether the error estimates can account for the correlation present in longitudinal data. Also, I would be interested in both "population average" estimates (such as in marginal models / GEE models, but I don't know if there are any extensions which allow flexible modelling of nonlinear relations) and in "individual-specific" estimates (maybe using Generalized Additive Mixed Models, but since I do not really understand them, I cannot gauge their appropriateness for this situation)

The attached text file contains R code for the creation of a fictitious dataset which illustrates the kind of data I am interested in (long format, variable "id" indicates person).

Thanks for any help / suggestions!

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