Molecular docking studies measure the fitness level or matching index of biological active ingredients on active sites through ligand & protein active site (from database) model using binding energy as the critical parameter. Lower the energy, stronger the bond & medical action, it is postulate. If 2-3 active ingredients in herbal mixture act in a disease how too map docking score as their individual scores vary. For instance, Curcumin, 8-Shagaol, Piperin & Apigenin molecules from Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper & Coriander resp. are all anti-inflammaotry with binding energy of -8,.6, -.7.6, -10 & -9.6 Kcal/ mol binding energy resp. wrt receptor 5IKR (PDBID) in Autodock tool. Conformation nos are 35, 40, 53, 20 resp. So can their mix be more stable?