I am doing sputtering of boron oxide thin film on a float zone Si-wafer. The sputtered layer is in the order of few nanometers thick. I am trying to measure its thickness using the ellipsometer device available (SE800 PV). I am pretty new to ellipsometery measurements. I read that Tauc-Lorentz TL model is suitable for transparent layers. Using TL Model , I obtain a good looking fit (with mean square error of 0.3) of a thickness in the predicted range. The problem is that I obtain a different band gab value (Eg = 0.0421 ev) from that in literature (Eg = 3.4 - 3.95 ev). Furthermore, the obtained peak's amplitude A value is negative instead of lying between 10-200 ev. When I fixed the Eg to 3.6 ev, the resulted fit has mean square error of 0.4 and not good looking like before and thickness is out of the predicted range. What should I do? What I do wrong?
Thanks in advance!!