Could you suggest suitable indicators to be used to study job satisfactory level of employees of the government sector. I am preparing a questionnaire and structured questions if any are most welcome.
The satisfaction-mirror (Heintzman and Marson, 2005, p. 555; Keiningham et al, 2006a, p. 445), and the hard/soft measures (Keiningham et al, 2006b, p. 53) may help/provide insights in the approach to measure employee satisfaction.
Heintzman, R. and Marson, B. (2005) People, service and trust: is there a public sector service value chain?, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 71, 4, pp. 549-575.
Keiningham, T., L., Aksoy, L., Cooil, B., Peterson, K. and Vavra, T., G. (2006a) A longitudinal examination of the asymmetric impact of employee and customer satisfaction on retail sales, Managing Service Quality, 16, 5, pp. 442-459.
Keiningham, T., L., Aksoy, L., Daly, R., M. , Perrier, K. and Solom, A. (2006b) Reexamining the link between employee satisfaction and store performance in a retail environment, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 17, 1, pp. 51-57.
Spector (1987) suggests that job satisfaction is an antecedent of the intention to quit, but it depends on the labour market situation... thus, I would check for the turnover rate, firstly, as a direct measure of the overall job satisfaction level
Please regarding the 36 items under the 9 facets in the Spector's Job Satisfaction Survey, can i use just 1 item under each facet for my questionnaire?