I have an animal experiment with 4 different groups:

A) control diet + vehicle

B) control diet + drug

C) experimental diet + vehicle

D) experimental diet + drug.

We then measure the expression of several genes.

The specific question that we want to ask is:

Does the dietary intervention affect gene expression independently of the drug?

Therefore I performed a two way anova (usign graphpad prism) and the results table states that there is no significant interation (P=0.5), there is a significant effect of the diet (p=0.027) and no effect of the drug (p=0.4398)

When I then perform a tukey comparison of all the values, there are no statistical significances in any of the groups.

I also did a statistical comparison of just the row factor (diet) with a

Sidak post-hoc test and again, there is no significant difference.

How would you then intrepert this data for publication purposes? On one hand, the anova tells us that a significant portion of the deviance in the groups comes from the diet, but without differences in any post-hoc test, I do not know how to write this up.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help!

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