17 March 2015 20 7K Report

Hi all,

I am interested in AMPAR mediated mini EPSCs in hippocampal neurons. My current recording configuration (hibernate E as bath solution and Cs gluconate as internal) seem to allow me to record from them up to day in vitro (DIV) 25 for about 30 min with fairly stable access. The sad story is that I do not see a lot of mini events (1 - 2 events every 3 - 5 seconds --> much less than 1 Hz). I can see quite a lot spontaneous events starting at DIV 11 already (1 - 2 event every second or so). Does it sound like something you experience before? How would you recommend troubleshooting it? Maybe, like, changing the recording condition or culture condition to have more mini AMPAR EPSCs? Thanks a lot!!!



Below are some more information if you would like to know....

When the neurons are younger (Div 12 - 15), there are a lot of action potential driven EPSCs [huge events, > 100 pA]. And when they get to Div 25, there are mostly very small events (20 pA, more or less). The small events decay time is approximately from 4 - 30 ms. 

Regarding the culture, Coverslips are coated with 1 mg/ml Poly D lysine. I plate the neurons from E17 - E 18 hippocampi at 1.4 millions neurons per 100 mm dish containing 6 coverslips. The coverslips are submerged in serum containing media. The coverslips have wax feet so I can flip them up side down into 60 mm dishes with neurobasal + B27 + glutamax + 20 % media conditioned by astrocytes [which facilitates the growth of a lot of astrocytes underneath the neurons].

Sometimes I also co-culture the neuron coverslips in dishes with astrocyte feeder layers [in which the cells are not touching each other  i.e. Banker culture]. The viability and development look fairly good. I can see a fairly dense network of dendrites already at DIv 11 and it just gets denser over time. Cells are evenly distributing across the coverslip, not much fasciculation or any sign of substrate problem. I feed them twice a week after the first week.  

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