I have been trying to encapsulate VEGF (a kind of protein) using PLGA w/o/w. The EE%, that I determined, was quite low: 10%. Here is the protocol I used:
1. 100 ug VEGF was reconstituted in 1ml DI water and 1ml Human Albumin Serum (HSA) 5%.
2. Dissolve 20mg PLGA in 2ml DCM.
3. Add 40ul VEGF solution into PLGA solution.
4. Ultrasonicate first emulsion in 10 sec under condition: 750W, and 40% amplitude.
5. Pipetting slowly the first emulsion into PVA 1.5% and Tween80 2%.
6. Ultrasonicate second emulsion in 30sec under condition: 750W, and 40% amplitude.
7. Waiting 3hr to allow DCM evaporate.
8. Free-dry overnight and then collect particle
After that, I determine amount of VEGF in particle by using VEGF ELISA kit.