Dear reader:
Thank you very much for looking into this question!
I am testing a dry etching process that transfers the photoresist profile into silicon. The target is using O2/SF6 reactive ion etching (RIE) to achieve a 1:1 selectivity (Si etching rate: photoresist etching rate 1:1). But when I am close to the 1:1 selectivity by: changing O2/SF6 ratio; changing the power; changing the pressure, I always see a dark, rough surface.
I notice that this phenomenon might be due to the SiO2 mask layer forming on the wafer surface, so I am adding CHF3 for Si etching, but similar things happen when selectivity is close to 1:1. So would there be any other reasons for this phenomenon? How can I improve the roughness? I can only tune the power, pressure, and gas mixture, without control for temperature and DC bias.
Thank you very much if you can give me any clue!