28 June 2022 14 8K Report

Dear Abaqus expert:

I am conducting fully coupled thermo-mechanical analyses with large viscoelastic deformation in Abaqus. The model works well in Cartesian coordinates. But when I extend to a spherical case, there comes a problem on setting up spatially variable body (gravity) force. For simplicity, I assume axisymmetry so that a 2D model is enough. Please see the attached figure for the modeling domain (a quarter sphere in gray).

For the interior of a planet (e.g., the Earth or Moon), the direction of gravity acceleration/force is expected to vary with space, all pointing to the center of the planet's sphere (i.e., red arrows pointing to the center C in the figure). So I need to impose a body force whose magnitude and direction vary with space. In addition, as the model considers large deformation (with Nlgeom on), the body force is required to be updated at every step.

I have searched and tested a few potential methods:

1) Wrote a python code to automatically add expected body force load for all the elements under *DLOAD. The model runs, but as you may expect: the body force always stays the same for the elements when they move. I would instead expect the body force changes with element coordinate, especially when the element/material deformation is significant.

2) Created analytical fields for the two components of body force, and then added them as body force load. The model can run but has the same problem as the previous method.

3) I have also read the reference to the user subroutine DLOAD. It seems to be helpful at the first glance, until when I recognize that there is only one output variable - load magnitude. As I need to vary two components of the body force, it can not directly satisfy my requirement.

I am wondering if anyone of you has encountered a similar problem, and may provide some insight? Any related suggestion would also be welcome and appreciated.

Actually, I have tried for a few weeks but still cannot find a satisfying solution. If there is anything unclear for you to understand my problem, I would be willing to add more details.

Thanks for your attention and best wishes,


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