Hi All, Ive tried to run tax4fun using biom file obtained from qiime2 platform. Ive attached my text file coverted from biom format. How do I rectify this error? silva_relative_abundance_taxonomy_edited.txt (51.8 KB)
Error in dimnames(x)
Hi Monica Steffi Matchado,
Make sure the several first lines of biom table as this:
# Constructed from biom file
#OTU ID M1 M10_1 taxonomy
9db2817f5c42be6a7bcbca662959982d 555.0 1214.0 Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhizobiales; Bradyrhizobiaceae; Bradyrhizobium
You can also using PICRUST2 plugin in QIIME2, please find the documentation here https://github.com/picrust/picrust2/wiki
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